Amazon DynamoDB VS Google Firebase

July 20, 2022

Amazon DynamoDB VS Google Firebase: What's the Best Server for Your Application?

If you're in the market for a server, you might have come across two of the most popular ones: Amazon DynamoDB and Google Firebase. Both offer scalable cloud-based solutions for storing data and can be used for web, mobile, and IoT applications.

So how do you make a decision between the two? That's where we come in! In this post, we'll provide a factual and unbiased comparison of Amazon DynamoDB and Google Firebase based on their features, performance, pricing, and more.


Both Amazon DynamoDB and Google Firebase offer a variety of features for developers to work with. Here's a breakdown of the features offered by each server:

Amazon DynamoDB Google Firebase
Data Model Document and Key-Value JSON
Scalability Automatic scaling up or down Automatic scaling up only
Data Storage SSD-backed storage SSD-backed storage
Data Querying SQL-like queries and search indexing Real-time database and Cloud Firestore queries
Deployment AWS CloudFormation, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and more Firebase CLI, Firebase Hosting, and more
Backup and Recovery Automated backups and point-in-time recovery Automated backups and manual recovery

As you can see, both Amazon DynamoDB and Google Firebase offer impressive and diverse feature sets. While DynamoDB provides more advanced querying capabilities, Firebase offers a real-time database that is great for mobile and IoT apps. Ultimately, the best server for you will depend on your unique use case.


When it comes to performance, both servers have a lot to offer. Here's a breakdown of their performance metrics:

Amazon DynamoDB Google Firebase
Maximum Storage Size Up to 25 petabytes Up to 28 terabytes
Maximum Item Size Up to 400 KB Up to 1 MB
Maximum Throughput Up to 40,000 write capacity units and 80,000 read capacity units per second Up to 100,000 simultaneous connections

As you can see, both Amazon DynamoDB and Google Firebase offer impressive performance metrics. DynamoDB offers more storage capacity while Firebase supports more simultaneous connections. Ultimately, the best server for you will depend on your specific performance needs.


Pricing is always a crucial consideration when choosing a server. Here's a breakdown of the pricing structures offered by Amazon DynamoDB and Google Firebase:

Amazon DynamoDB Pricing

Amazon DynamoDB pricing is based on three main factors: provisioned throughput capacity, number of read and write requests, and amount of data stored. The pricing starts at $0.024 per provisioned write capacity unit per hour and $0.0065 per provisioned read capacity unit per hour.

Google Firebase Pricing

Google Firebase offers a flexible pricing structure, with a free tier for users with lower traffic requirements. Beyond that, the pricing is based on usage, which includes storage, downloads, and API requests. The pricing starts at $25 per month for 50 GB of storage and go up from there.

As you can see, the pricing structures for Amazon DynamoDB and Google Firebase are different. DynamoDB offers more granularity with its pricing whereas Firebase offers a more flexible and scalable pricing structure.


  1. "Amazon DynamoDB", Amazon Web Services, Inc.,
  2. "Firebase", Google LLC,
  3. "Firebase Pricing", Google LLC,
  4. "Amazon DynamoDB Pricing", Amazon Web Services, Inc.,

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